...and whiskers on kittens.
You know how the song goes, so you may have guessed this post is going to be about my favourite things.
My favourite baby things that is. I've been a Mum a grand total of nine months, so naturally I consider myself an expert by now. Hardly.
But I have managed to come across a few products which I can describe as my absolute favourites. Things which have made my new life as a Mum a whole lot easier. I know most Mums are always on the lookout for such products, so here are my suggestions. Thought I'd share them with you.
The pram: Baby Jogger City Select
I have to credit my Mum for this one, she did the research and recommended the
Baby Jogger City Select (which she later bought me as our baby present, thanks mum!). To describe it in one word. Awesome. It is on the pricier side (more expensive than a Strider, much less than a Stokke), but in my opinion, it's worth every cent.
Babies spend a long time in their prams - especially if you're like me and love to go for long walks (around the shopping centres...). So they have to be comfy.
We used the bassinet attachment for the first four months, but you can also use a capsule to make it into a travel system. It also serves double duty as a twin pram - with 16 different set up combinations - see the pic above. If you're thinking of having a second baby this pram will grow with your family.
What do I love best about this pram:
* Two seats can both face forward with the rear seat slightly above the front, so both babies can look out and see the world ahead of them. (I don't like the idea of one baby sitting behind and under the other seat).
* The fold mechanism is really simple and you don't need to bend down to pick the pram up. The seat comes off really easily, so it's not so heavy to lift into the boot.
* The bassinet attachment. Great for the early months when bubs sleeps most of the time - easy for nappy changes when out and about and we used this for our little poppet to sleep in our room for the first few weeks. No need to buy a bassinet.
* The brake on the handle. Easy to use, easy to see if it's on.
* Easy to steer and maneuvre - I can wheel it with one hand while restraining an over-excited sausage dog with the other.
* The "diamond" colour - we live in the tropics, so I wasn't keen on a black pram. This colour doesn't seem to absorb the heat as much.
* The storage basket is HUGE! Seriously. And really accessible. I can fit almost a whole week's worth of groceries in the basket. Very handy for shopping trips.
There's so much more I love, but it's time to move on...
The sunscreen: Arbonne Baby Care SPF 30+
The ABC baby sunscreen - non-greasy, rubs in easily, effective enough for the Central Queensland sun and made with 100pc natural ingredients and absolutely no nasty stuff. What's not to like??
Arbonne also do a great range of skincare and cosmetics for Mum, if you feel like spoiling yourself...
The baby wipe: Curash Fragrance Free

You're going to use a lot of baby wipes, so you better find some you like. I've tried them all (nearly). And this one is definitely my favourite. Strong, thick wipe with lots of moisture. I've found others to be too dry, too harsh, too soft. These ones are just right. And they're pretty reasonably priced. Especially if you get the bulk pack from Big W.
The swaddle: Wrap Me Up by Love to Dream

My little girl was born two months after her gorgeous little cousin, who grew like an absolute beanpole and was in size 0 by the time she was three months old. So, naturally, we got a few hand-me-downs from her Mum, my gorgeous sister-in-law. Unfortunately we couldn't use most of them, due to the fact that growsuits suitable for Adelaide in October aren't really suitable for Central Queensland in the midst of the most humid January in a long time.
One thing we did use however, was this little beauty - the Wrap Me Up swaddle. We started using it when poppet was about five or six weeks old. About the same time she started sleeping through the night (9pm til 7am). Coincidence? Maybe. But I wasn't willing to risk it, so she was zipped up in her suit every sleep time until she was about four months and started rolling over in her cot, at which time she moved into a sleeping bag. Soft and just the right amount of stretchy, it also comes in a lightweight version, which was perfect for our tropical summer. The genius thing about this swaddle is that it allows the baby to sleep with their arms up (which they naturally like to do), but still stops the startle reflex. It also has a double zip and a backflap, which means you can strap baby into the car seat or pram while they're sleeping, without taking the wrap off.
I can't rave about these things enough.
The moisturising cream and non-soap wash: Moo Goo Udder Cream and Milk Wash

Here's an equation for you. New baby = lots of nappy changes + paranoia about germs = lots of hand washing = very, very dry hands.
Moo Goo Udder Cream which brilliantly protects and restores moisture to dry hands. I also use it as a nappy change cream and general moisturiser for my little poppet - it really helps her drool rash! Special mention here as well for the Moo Goo Milk Wash. It doubles in our bathroom as a hand wash and bubble bath (except it doesn't create bubbles, but poppet is too young to care about bubbles yet anyway).
Great range - and Australian made to boot.
The book: Save Our Sleep by Tizzie Hall
Okay, I know this might be a controversial one, but I truly did find this book very helpful.
Save Our Sleep is one of those books that creates division, people either love it or they hate it. I'm a big fan of routines and my little girl fell into the routines really easily, so I was instantly a fan. Having said that, I didn't follow the book to the letter, particularly with the self-settling at night, which took my little poppet a few months to get the hang of. I'm not saying this book is for everyone, but if you like the idea of a routine and you're struggling to settle your bub, it's worth a look.
The Bib: Cotton On Baby terry towelling bib
Yet again another recommendation from another Mum. I got a couple of these
Cotton On bibs as a baby gift from an absolutely super-duper-single-mum I know. They're the only ones she uses. In my head, they are simply the best bibs around. Extra wide for great coverage. Super thick for absorbency. And also, they have a press stud closure. Sure, I know everyone thinks velcro is the best bib fastener - until your baby turns nine months old and learns that if she tugs hard enough she can take it off. Press studs are the bomb. As are these bibs. I now have half a dozen or so and they're always the first to get pulled out at feed time.
So there you have it. My favourite (baby) things.
I'm sure the list will grow and develop along with my little poppet, but for now, I'm certifying these items as the bomb.
What are your faves? I'd love for more recommendations...