Monday 5 September 2011

Finger Paint Fun

I saw a morning tv segment recently about a toddler who was painting wonderful artworks, hosting a solo exhibition in New York City and charging thousands of dollars per painting. Well, technically her parents were in charge of the exhibition and the charging thousands, the little girl was just having fun squirting the paints around.

So with that in mind, and with father's day looming, I thought it was about time little Poppet and I cracked open the finger paints. Since the start of this year I've challenged myself to hand-make all of the gifts I've given people. So I thought my little one could follow suit. What fun we had.

Here is the finished result. Not sure it's gallery-worthy, but the Bear loved it and it has certainly earned pride of place in our home.

I've titled this piece "First Father's Day".

Here's a few shots of the mess we created along the way. Good times. Paint everywhere, of course. Yes, even on the back of her head. Don't worry, it all came out in the wash.

And I can't resist sneaking this last pic in. This is her new favourite face to pull. Not quite Blue Steel, but unique nevertheless.

Who knows, maybe a solo exhibition really isn't that far away...

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